Integrated Gate Pass Management System (IGMS)

Contract Labour employee Management System


There has been an industrial requirement on Compliance Contract Management by customers, for Contractual Labours.

Some of the conditions which related to Attendance & is required by customers are as under:

Sl No Particulars Parameters Example Expected Result Further Remarks Your Comments
Working day definition
This is typically the working day start & end time(cut-off time for next day beginning).
5 am to 5 am (Next day) - 05:00 to 05:00
This is considering labour will be working in night shift and day will restart after 05:00 am and not after midnight 00:00 hrs. This would mean the 1st punch after 5 AM will be taken as 1st punch for the day. This will take care of multi-shift(like A,B,C,G) operation.
Minimum Working hours per day
9 hrs - Working (8 hrs) + Rest (1 hr)
Sum of difference of all punches - [P(n) – P(n-1)] – 1 hr(Rest Hour) = 8 hrs As per this condition there will be a negative list generated. To take care of this condition of minimum working hour, the Negative ID list will consist of all the Labour ID’s who has clocked IN & not complied to this condition. Once the minimum working Hour compliance is done, then these ID’s will have to be out of Negative list.
There could be multiple IN & OUT punches which will not be possible in this case. Rest hours will be considered for calculation only if its defined for project on OU master in Smart Face.
Maximum Working hours per day
9 hrs - Working (8 hrs) + Rest (1 hr)
Sum of difference of all punches - [P(n) – P(n-1)] – 1 hr(Rest Hour) = 8 hrs To take care of this condition of maximum working hour, Labour ID’s who has clocked IN & Clocked OUT, the Working hour calculation will be done. If the Maximum Working Hour compliance is completed, this ID will come in Negative List. There could be multiple IN & OUT punches which will be possible in this case.
Condition 2 (Parameter X) & 3(Parameter M) settings are mutually exclusive. Rest hours will be considered for calculation only if its defined for project on OU master in Smart Face.
Maximum working hours per week
60 hrs /week
After working for 60 hrs, • don’t allow labour to enter on next day till 1st day of next week • labour can enter at site after project weekly-off or Rest day
If this setting is done, there will be a cumulative value for the week, which will be calculated & if it goes beyond this setting, the ID will be placed in Negative list.
Remaining working hours per week - for Labour to work
60 – 52 = 8 hrs
This is to be checked for Balance working hours are available for labour to work and enter at site.
This condition is enforced to make sure that Labours may only enter when a minimum Number of Hours are available to work as per the Weekly Quota.
Labour can work for “N” consecutive days, continuously before Rest Day
10 or 7
After working for 60 hrs, • don’t allow labour to enter on next day till 1st day of next week • labour can enter at site after project weekly-off or Rest day
If there is Condition 3 above, being enforced for compliance, then in this situation if a person works for 9 hours every day, he will have 54 Hours in 6 days. He cannot enter the 7th day, due to Condition 5. This condition may not happen in real situation.
Grace time “P” minutes
+/- 15 min
This is allowable time for labour • labour need time to mark attendance at device/turnstile and • to be considered after minimum working hours
This shall be factored in Condition 2 & 3, while configuring the site wise setting.
LMS will process the punches and identify the negative exception list of labour for above rules on Real time or Hourly basis
Push the negative exception list on Real-time or hourly basis to devices to Restrict labour entry on Incremental basis to reduce data load and processing time
Default Project Weekly-Off or Rest Day
Reset the labour punches after Rest day and week start from Monday
Weekly Off will be considered which is defined for project on OU(Project Master) in Smart Face.
Remarks to be defined with negative exception list to display on devices
The remarks shall be limited to Maximum of 20 Characters as the same will have to be shown on the Device display.

Requirement Understanding Contract Management

There will be pre-defined rules at project level. Smart Face Admin or Site Admin will have authority to set values (X, Y, Z, N, M, P) against rule for each project.

Contract Labour attendance will be validated against these rules to identify non-compliance and restrict that labour to punch at device.


  • This whole process will be dealing with Actual Punches only.
  • No impact on Employment and Wage calculation process.
  • Smart Face application will process attendance data as received after doing validation against defined rules.  

There will service at Smart Face server which will process attendance on real-time basis to validate against defined rules to identify non-compliance labours (negative list of labour), then after negative list will be pushed to FaceIT systems Attendance machine for further process i.e. restrict device to accept labour punch (Entry / Exit).

Detailed Analysis on implementation process on our Contract Management Systems:

  • Configuring / setting values (X, Y, Z, N, M, P) against predefined rules at project level
  • Smart Face service will process actual punches received from central server to identify non-compliance – [ This step will be executed on realtime or scheduler basis ]
  • Smart Face service will push non-compliance (Negative list of labour) labour list to Fortuna Attendance machines  – [ This step is an extension of step 2 and will be executed on realtime or scheduler basis]
  • The devices may be connected to Turn-stiles to restrict punching of Negative List ID’s (Entry / Exit with reason code) of labour.


  • Predefined rules configuration needs to be defined in CLMS/HRMS/LMS application used by Client.  CLMS/HRMS/LMS Admin or Site Admin will have authority to setup values (X, Y, Z, N, P) against rules for each project. This activity must be done at CLMS/HRMS/LMS level.
  • There will be GET or POST API which will provide the Attendance Transaction as captured by Fortuna machine using Smart Face to CLMS/HMMS/LMS.
  • Further processing based on actual punch data of labour/s to identify non-compliances labour list against rules(based on these settings) will be done by CLMS/HRMS/LMS. The same service will be intimated to Smart Face to restrict entry or exit of respective labour from respective Attendance devices.
  • A POST API is exposed by Smart Face using which CLMS/HRMS/LMS may push the Negative ID List to Smart Face on pre-defined schedule by CLMS/HMMS/LMS.
  • Smart Face server (Fortuna server) will identify non-compliance labour ID’s against rules and same service will downloaded to respective devices to restrict entry or exit.

Apart from this, we have a feature of Security Dash Board, in which we will show the Attendance Transaction in Real time with actual captured photo, Date Time, Gate/machine being used for punching, Allowed, If not allowed(Reason) etc, which might be shown on large size TV connected to PC sunning this application with Security Login.

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